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FREE Test Automation Workshop - June 10 2023

All your queries around Test Automation answered !

See the latest technologies in action and get to know the basics

Axone's Test Automation Workshop is a completely FREE weekend event aimed at anyone who is interested in pursuing a career in this direction. You could a complete beginner or someone who has years of manual testing experience.

This 2 hour session will enable you to get a professional insight into the WHYs, WHATs and HOWs of Test Automation followed by a demonstration of the basic tools and technologies used.

Gain insight into ...

  • Why learn Test Automation ?

  • What technologies do I learn ?

  • What are the pre-perquisites ?

  • Where do I start ?

  • How long does it take ?

  • How do I gain real-world experience ?


Sat 10 June

7 AM - 9 AM

Learn basics of ... 

  • What is a Test Automation framework?

  • The basic setup required

  • Front End automation 

  • API testing 

  • Reporting 

Sounds Interesting .. Register Now 

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